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Join us for a series of 'CROSSIP Convos' as we shine a spotlight on the amazing bartenders, venue owners, ambassadors and hospitality heroes we interact with every day. 

CROSSIP was born in a bar, not a boardroom, and it's about time our mates in the on-trade industry had an opportunity to share their stories of how they began their journey in this crazy and beautiful hospitality world and what being unapologetically bold means to them. 

Get ready for the iconic FRANCESCO PITTALA!

What’s your name?
Francesco Pittala.

Where do you work?
The Looking Glass Cocktail Club.

How’d you get into the bar / hospitality scene?
At the age of 20, I worked in a kitchen, and slowly, I started exploring the other departments until I ended for good at the bar. 

Your best bartending / hospitality story?
I am afraid that they are all borderline with the content allowed to be published on social media or magazines. 

Favourite bar in the world?
Wherever I am working.

Favourite way to drink CROSSIP?
Crossip Fresh & blend of oranges.

What’s your go-to when drinking at home?
Whisky neat.

What does UNAPOLOGETICALLY BOLD mean to you?
Having no obstacles interrupt you from trying to achieve your goal. 



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